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A Faery Dream re-released, plus a new story

I've been fairly absent from internet-land for a while now... just over two years in fact! That time has coincided with the birth of my beautiful baby girl, who is now an active toddler, and spends every spare moment discovering ever-more mischievous things she could be doing! It's exhausting at times, but with the support of my amazing husband I've kept writing.

I have a new short story, a prequel to my previously published 'A Faery Dream' story, called 'The First Dream'. This is available for .99c (US dollars) on Amazon, but if you sign up to my newsletter you can get it free!

After the closure of my fantastic Australian publisher - Steam eReads, I've been hanging onto my stories 'A Faery Dream', and it's sequel 'A Faery Union', and wondering what on earth to do with them. Well, after much umming and ahhing, I finally made a decision, and I'm pleased to say that both stories will be published again.

A Faery Dream is available already online in all sorts of places and it's FREE! (Click here to see where you can get a copy) :)

A Faery Union has been through some major edits and is currently out with a proof-reader to catch those last few errors (though no matter how many eyes look over a work there always seems to be something that's missed). The work on A Faery Union has taken a little longer than expected, so the publication date has been pushed back to mid November to make sure it's the best it possibly can be. If you'd like to be kept up-to-date don't forget to sign up to my newsletter! :)

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